The name says it all.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Long time no write. I almost forgot about my loyal(and largely imaginary) following here, but was reminded by one person who I am pretty sure is real(but you never can tell). So here I am, once again on the edge of nowhere(I circled nowhere yesterday, but that is a story for another time, maybe even another reality altogether). Did you know that it is very irritating to try and type with just one finger? I know, because I am trying. I was smart enough at work an hour ago to try and move a pan which(though I did not know this--at first) had just come out of the oven. I grabbed first with my gloved hand then a second later with the non-gloved hand, which got hot immediately. I jumped back and dropped the pan, but not before it could burn the membrane between my thumb and forefinger, so now I am sitting here with an ice back clutched in one hand whining to the internet(cap?) community who largely could care less, but I have the right to whine, as I happen to be mad(as certified by my title-so there). And now for a coffee break(mmm, Coffee!)


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