The name says it all.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

5-1-03-A new time!
So this is what May’s like. Not much different than April. Other than it was a little wetter. But, hey, it’s Montana. What can you expect? I should probably change my calenders, so they show that it is a new month, and I have new pictures to look at for thirty one days, instead of those old ones I’ve looked at for a month already. Going to work now.

There is something incredibly powerful about the Japanese culture and language. It grips the hearts and minds of thousands of people, and influences things far beyond what people imagine. The creativity there is unbelievable, giving way to movies such as Princess Mononoke, and Spirited Away, both among the best animated films of all time, and could even be called some of the best films of all time. The idea of Japan, for some reason, holds much more sway than Thailand, China, Vietnam, Russia, India, Africa, or any other foreign land. Some of this may be attributed to things outside the culture, such as war and leaders, but even with it cleared there is incredibly small interest in the other nations. What is it that makes Japan so special? It’s an enigma. Sayonara.

Flowed or crackled? I spelled or as por, which would make it Spanish, and I don’t know enough Spanish to write anything in that language. But I can say spoon. And if I look behind me, I can say City Center, well, actually it’s Center of the City, but City center is close enough. And I still don’t know any Spanish, and I can never remember to capitalize Spanish. Oh, well.

Spam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was random insanity. It strikes fast, and can kill just as quick. No one is safe from the pure evil and wacked out ness of this crazy thing which causes people to say and do things that would never have been said except for that they were thought and so people hade something to say without reason to not say it, so it was leaked without warning and the first punctuation of this sentence appeared just after it before so and could be more common except that there is no purpose to this sentence thus no order is enthroned upon it. Okay, now I will over use punctuation, making up for its previous lack. Period. Period. Comma, comma, comma, comma, comma, comma, semi-colon; sort of like duck, duck goose, but with out the ducks and geese.

Music from Japan. Actually, more of a western symphony by a Japanese composer, for a Japanese movie. Oh, close enough.

The goal of the game is to create an environment in which the player feels he is part of the world. Each tree will be grown following a formula that makes each one unique. The ground, the trees, the entire environment can be shaped and formed, depending on outside influence and the effects of nature. If a large number of people walk through a certain part of a forest, a path will begin to appear on the trail they make, and tree branches will thin in that area. That is the goal.

Not here! Must be there! Come here! You said you would be here. (Pouty face). So there! That’s what I thought. Yep. I win. No here at 10. Ten was before, now it is ten twelve, twelve times a minute after the time to arrive has passed. Not my fault. I was here at ten. Oh, well. Not like there is much going on, anyway. Not here at least. And so we leave.

I need to figure out what type of lap top I’m getting. I’m not even sure if I will be mac or PC. But it needs to be powerful, with a large hard drive. This sentence is out of place. It probably needs a nice video card for both movies and the occasional game to be played. Sound doesn’t need to be too hot, because it’s more than I use anyway.

I had something special I was going to do on the first day of a new month, but no longer is it in the reach of my memory. There was a pause there due to the appearance of a good friend who said she left, but was still on line. Oh well. It’s time to leave this place, and to live as we dream–alone. Or so they tell us. But we can never be sure. But now, to dream.


Blogger J.M.R. Burgard said...

Does anyone actually read this?

October 17, 2004 at 9:51:00 PM PDT


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