The name says it all.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

4-11-03-Here I am, once again.
Once again I look upon the place where you died. Once again I’m humbled and broken in side. There I go, stealing someone else’s words to use in my own stuff. Naughty me. Now it’s me. When the wind blows no more, and the sun no longer shines, when the tides no longer flow, and the hills wash away, when the rivers no longer coarse, and the clouds give no rain, still you will be there. When the trees fall down, and the rocks crumble, still you will be there. That was all my own. It was pretty cool. Apparently some people are incapable of singing. Two bad for them. Their missing out on lots of life.

Is it really worth the time to complain? If usually will do nothing for you, and get people either irritated or angry with your personage. Is that a word? Spell checkers not getting it. I suppose it is. Back to the main theme of this paragraph, though. Complaining’s main purpose is to make the complainer feel better by passing his or her troubles off onto someone else. You know what a problem with Latin originated languages is? They have only one it, and it means neither male nor female. Most languages have an it that means both male and female. That is one of the biggest flaws with English, in my opinion. This is a very tangent fulled paragraph. Oh well. It is finished.

Soon to go, soon to return. Or something like that. I’m am here, but not for long. I have little to say, and more to do. The bed awaits, and night does call. Soon this will be nothing, locked in the hall. Random rhyming is scary.


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