The name says it all.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Calculus is evil. I have three t squared plus t plus four all over t cubed plus t. I am supposed to use partial fractions, but I get B to equal both three and four. It is always supposed to work, no matter what the top variable is as long as it is not an improper fraction, which it isn’t. The leads me to conclude that nothing ever works and I am bordering on Crazy. Or something like that. The system should multiply out to give the desired answers. Possibly t squared plus one has another factor, negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus four a c all over two a. -1 + sqr 1 - 4. Opp. It’s negative. Doesn’t work. So why doesn’t the equation? It’s bordering on functionality.


It is making me crazy. Back to work.

Finally it is solved. It was an a plus b, instead of just a. Few. I remember this now. All done with that one, all three to go(actually two, but why spend the time to fix a typo?)

A.P. tests really take up all the time in a week. I’ve been busy, busy, and a little bit busy also. So much for time beyond time. Or at least beyond work. Time beyond time sounds like a good title for a book or documentary or something. “Time Beyond Time: The tale of the search for the oldest time.” Or not.

All done with psych. Math is still evil, but it is now behind me. Literally. I’ll have to get to it later. But now I am talking to friends with out the s. And writing things. But I have to be writing things to be writing this. Writing other things. Words, and essays, and treatises, and poems, and prose, and thoughts, and scripts, and comments, and jokes, and tragedies. But it is all still writing, but.

Surveys can at times be taxing, but they can also provide an interesting look into people’s minds, and the thoughts that shape them. Even the simplest question, if worded correctly, can allow someone to understand much more about the questions responder.

What is humor and why is it funny? I could say random things in the middle of this squid sentence, but would it be funny, and does being funny automatically quack make it humor? Or is humor something deeper than simply laughter? Most of the best comedians connect with their audiences bark in more ways than simply making them laugh. They provide a look at life and oneself from the outside, where all one’s follies and mistakes become, not embarrassing, but humorous, and worth repeating. When they tell a story about themselves, it is no longer about them, but it is about all the people who have ever done the same stupid thing, and lived to admit it. An anecdote, transformed into humor, transcends a mere human moment, meow, and becomes a story to all people, with the capability to teach and to heal.

On a less serious note of humor(*shrug*), modern comedy has often lost a lot with the transition to movies. People now look for slapstick humor as much as wit, and the wit is wittier than the hit. Puns are the lowest, and highest, form of humor, just above the radial. Great comics like Shakespeare and Shaw are on the downswing, having suffered the uppercut of slapstick. How much to play an open manhole? Just the cover charge. Then why don’t you drop in sometime? Sewer. See? That’s funny, and no physical contact, or contact of any kind was involved.

To not like cats should be a crime. To not own one is even worse. If you have allergies, some cats cause very little reaction, and there are meds. I’ll get one as soon as I can. So there is all for cats, because I can’t think of anything else beyond how to spell of.

Who will read this? Will they read it high? Will they read it low? Will they read it in between? Who will read it Sam-I-Know? Will they read it near? Will they read it here? Will they read it far? Will they read it there? Will the read it right? Will they read it wrong? Will they read it as if it were a song? What’s wrong with Dr Seuss? Okay, fine. But you’ll be hearing from my lawyer! Both of them! And I’ll hire a third one before the day is over! And you’ll be sorry! They’ll run you out of house and home And Stay Here While I AM TALKING TO YOU! HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING! GET BACK HERE!!!! Whoa, almost lost my cool there. If you are opposed to Dr Seuss, my attorneys will meet with you. Better have your checkbook handy.

To fly like a bird, born on the breath of the trees, touching the far stars of the knight’s sky, bourn out on wings like eagles. And to away they go.

Chapter 17: I’m not sure what happened to the other moo sixteen chapters, but I’m sure they’ll turn up before the printing date, or at least the release date. They’re not critically important to the plot. Chapter seventeen has the conclusion, by far the most important part in any story. The rest is just details, but they say God is in the details. Well, we should be looking for God, for there we shall find the details, and the other sixteen chapters. Or a dozen and a third chapters. Whatever floats your dingy.

To night, to sleep. Away from here. Good bye.

Those that attack are often the weakest. People who attack God are often those who most want to know truth, and try to discover it by looking for the flaws in it. The tout what appears to be a mistake, and use it against it. As there arguments are pointed out to be wrong, the slowly begin to understand, and make their way to the truth.

Comedy involving physics. Shuddering, now. To be for truth shall I go, to sleep is in the plan. Farewell, and good bye. Edelweiss.


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