The name says it all.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Nothing much to say yet. Now to go, and to be elsewhere, not to be here today. But return I will. As I have done. No I no more to say have, so there. Of course, I never was want for little to say, and much of what is said is too much to say. Maybe what one should say is beyond what one can say, and soon beyond what will be said. Or maybe I’m just blathering. Whatever the case, the paragraph is done.

If you have the wind in the willows, can there be wind outside of the willows, or willows in the wind? And if the wind is in the willow, can it ever get out without making a hole in the tree? The wind in the willow isn’t as strong as the wind outside, and it serves no purpose while still in the willow. It can only escape if the wind outside breaks the tree and lets the wind inside out. To revert to an old topic, it would be so much easier if more words could be joined together or made into conjunctions. Instead of wind inside we would say wind’ins, and instead of wind outside we would say wind’outs. Everything would be simpler to write, and people would spend lest time with wasted words. Of course, wind in/outside isn’t a common phrase, so the production bonus would be limited. But any one reading or signing The Wind in the Willows would have a lot easier time of it. But that’s just me talking.

Of course, it’s always me talking. If someone else was talking, that would mean I operate under multiple personalities, and that would just be interesting. Anything else would be pure madness, the umbrella of which covers MP anyway. MP really means Members of Parliament or Military Police. Now that isn’t very nice to the latter, but perfectly describes the former. If all the Members of Parliament were perfectly sane, the government would never get anything done and the country would go to shambles. But with a lack of sanity in at least most of the members, unusual bills, strange ideas, and general nonsense complement and detract from each other to make the perfect laws. On to GOLF.

As many have said before, why do you call golf a sport? All it is a bunch of old guys(and young guys who are old at heart) walking around and hitting small balls with giant clubs. Is it possible to come up with a more inefficient way to use energy? I mean, if you’re going to hit balls, at least make them explosive and help demolish old buildings, or make them out of dirt and fill up all the old holes the miners left in the earth. I wonder what the world record is for the most people hitting a golf ball at the same time is? I think it would be great to gather hundreds of golfers together and hit thousands of balls into the Berkley Pit. If they were dirt balls, they would began to hit each other with the balls. But if we gave them balls of mud, they would soon fill up the pit, and the government wouldn’t have to worry about using superfund money to fix Butte. The water would flood out, and then the town would be no more, and everyone would be happy. Except for maybe those people trying to put a whole bunch of Casinos there. Oh, what a loss.

Speaking of loss–no, nothing to say there. Speaking on a condition an anonymity, I have nothing no say. That is strictly of the record. Politicians always have to have something to say, or they will never get elected. Thus I have to have something to say to everyone I meet, whether man, woman, child, senior citizen, liberal green party member, or donkey. Though the donkey would have better things to say than the green party member. Not that I’m biased or anything, but seeing as the more liberal members of that party want all tech gone, they should go over to a third world country with no technology and spoke some of their grass. Because then they would realize that our grass is much cleaner. Of course, they might also realize that they have to use technology on the trip, and so they’d stay home and chant anti-whatever-it-is-they-feel-like slogans. And then the anti-chanters would show up outside and scream protests, and then everything would fail, and we’d have to quarantine the area. Of course, it would be no loss.


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