The name says it all.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

5-7-03-Late start
It’s already past nine when this section of writing was begun, and that is late for a Wednesday. “Where truth is lacking, politics fills the gap.” I finally remember that quote. I tried to remember it each time I watched the movie, but each time it eluded my grasp. It is very relevant to any and all occurrences. Well, not all, but it is for a lot of them.

Yellowstone isn’t among the top five national parks visited in the United States. Each of those must then receive more than one million visitors per year. The question then is, are they more visited because more people live within easy access, because they attract those just passing through as a sight for a short stop, or because they truly are liked better. If a survey was taken of National parks as planned destinations of trips, Yosemite, Yellowstone, and a couple of others would top the list.

Is writing solely for the purpose of writing, or is it to convey ideas, relieve stress, get something out of your system, or snort to be irritating? Most people write because they have thoughts and ideas within themselves, and either want to get them out on paper so they can begin to stop thinking about them, or so that others can begin to think about them. The purpose of writing is not to write, but to communicate. Writing that fails to communicate is no more than a random conglomeration of letters that came together with no purpose.

I have spelled something wrong who knows how many times. Almost always, I omit the e from some. The word some really should be pronounced like soom, but instead it’s pronounced like sum. The pronunciation of the English language is quite complex. The th in then is pronounced differently than the th is thin. One is voiced, the other isn’t. Sooner or later the language will simplify itself, but not for many years.

What I write is what I say. Or say I say. I am almost to eighteen-hundred words in this week, and no more to the better, but no worse than before. It could almost be a statement of a lack of ideal, or a lack of intent to say what can be said in better words not found within this document. But it follows more of the lines of free to lack the grammar that is correct. It makes writing easier, though those who must read, whether for pleasure, as required reading, or as a sleeping aid for insomniacs, get lost far quicker than those(who is only one) who write.


Not much happened then. No big wars, nothing special. Andrew Jackson was president, I think. Or maybe it was Madison. Or Adams. But whoever it was, they didn’t do anything important that year. Nothing important happened that year. Maybe somebody who was going to become important was born, but nothing notable then.

I’m waiting, and seeing nothing. Time for another pair of calenders. Verse and Latin. Maybe I should make an Asor calender for future years. Hmm. . . interesting idea. That deserves more consideration, as do other homemade calender ideas. It’s a cool picture of a couple of mountains in the background with a tiny waterfall occupying the fore. And the other speaks of ethics, or moral philosophy, of something that should be cut and dried, but is being cut up into tiny pieces to be auctioned off to the highest bidder, who then has the choose of doing what with them they please, whether it be keep them functional, or to rearrange all the parts into some twisted and mutated form of the original.

No one else will be within here. Few will be without. Few means less than normal, but only because there are less than normal total. Hectic running around, getting everything ready, still must get more ready. That had nothing to do with what was done. Oh, well. So fun. It hardly matters. Actually, it doesn’t matter at all. So sad.


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