The name says it all.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Hehehehehehe! Isn't the world fun? Or is it crazy? Sometimes I have trouble differentiating between these two extremes of thought. And within those thoughts are found the runnings of this well forgotten era, this undiscovered country from whose bourn no wayferer has yet forgetten while evil still runs not gently in that good night, for life is but a walking shadow to whom no man today is his brother, be he ne'er so vile as the one ring which rules them all, but it be not proud, though some have called it thus, for that fact has not created in me a sense of obligation, as April is the cruelest month, combared to a summers day. And now, I finish. Or Finnish. Or whatever.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Oops. My bad. It begins with 'us-'. I humbly beg money, becuase I likes it precious. The suns hurts us, it burns us(at least our necks). It was warmer than here. So sad.

Here I am. And you don't know who I am. And if you do, you may go on to the bonus round. YTou don't know where I've been. If you do, you may continue to the super-duper-beyond-all-sanity-amazingly-fun round. What is the 1994(or there abouts) movie which begins with 'Un-' and invloves prison and coffee beans? Columbian in prticular. Those who can asnwer that have my unadorned(wrong word) affection(not quite) and my eternal(or thirty second) gratitude(or fame). But seriously folks(I'm done now). . .

I'm all alone, so alone. Well, no, not really. But I haven't posted so long that anyone who actually reads this(and the face that no one may read this yet I still post has to show something, thouhg I am not wise enough to discern what) might think me dead. Or worse, alive. And now to the gibbrish hour: iudfa dlkfhuwe sdifwe. Okay, so it was more like 'gibbrish second' but I do not care. And now, to post:

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Welcome to the Bad Pun Hour(or minute)!

What do you call a person around 3'6" who does the same thing repeatedly?
-A Habbit

Now that was absolutely horrible. Evil. Despicable. And I'm going to post it anyway. Hahahaha!

Thursday, March 04, 2004

To all my adoring fans: I have been busy, thus have not presented for your consideration much along the lines of interesting statements, nor have I produced decently good anythings. So count your lucky stars and sleep another 40 years.