The name says it all.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Once again, we return to our intrepid random words being presented in a random fashion. Thank you and good night. That’s no way to end! At least it’s too close to the beginning to be an ending, it’s just a waste of space and time. Space and time are linked together in a way, the more space traveled in a given instant, the more time slows down. This leaves one wondering if race car drivers live longer then everyone else. Or if the time difference at that speed isn’t enough to make a visible difference on a living human. Long term astronauts, on the other hand, probably get more years out of themselves because they spend days and days going very quickly around the world.

Why is the word together only one word? It seems just as efficient to make two words, to and gether. Gether would serve many purposes then, such as come gether, which would mean to join up, or just be a form of gather with an accent. But the English language would be much more fulfilling, or at least more complicated, and that’s what we all want anyone. You’re not really a man until you can speak one of the world’s most complicated languages fluently. But that’s just me.

La-la-la-La-La-La-LA-LA-LA-LALALALALALALALA! Tra-la-la, sa-la-la. Now all that is needed is music to go with the words. Coda.

I have no idea what I am going to say, other than this stuff I am already saying. This is not what I was going to say, but because I did, it now must be, or it would not be what I said it was. . .or something like that. I could keep talking in this random form, even though it isn’t really talking because I am saying nothing and my mouth isn’t moving and all that I’m doing is typing words Pygmalion. He never used apostrophes in his writing and everything was harder to read. Sometimes it seems apostrophes are wasted effort because they’re used to break up words, though I didn’t realize that I had used an apostrophe in explaining why apostrophes are overused. I’m really going to know how to spell apostrophe by the time I’m done. I think I’ve used about a half-dozen apostrophes in talking about the need to eliminate them. My hand is beginning to hurt from holding it in the positions it has been in while I type, and the pain is mainly in the palm, and some in the wrist. For a while now, one handed. Boy I type slow with only one hand. Okay, back to two. I can hear Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers soundtrack playing on the CD player behind me. I just changed CDs, now Spiderman is in the first slot, instead of Gods and Generals. D.C. al Coda.

I have no idea what I am going. . .I already said that, didn’t I? Oh, well. My loss, my gain. And you? You stayed perfectly even throughout the entire transaction. And what a transaction was it. Not really, but it feels good to say that. Well, not really either. But there’s no point in not saying it, is there?


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