The name says it all.

Friday, August 13, 2004

This one has two days in it:
4-15-03-Twos a day
Making weird noises with your mouth is very weird. Needless to say, I have that to say. It was quite needless. The graph of the function y = x^3 + 6x^2 + 7x - 2cos(x) changes concavity at x = ? This is quite the interesting problem. I’ll have to look up concavity, because I thought it was first or second derivative, but I’m not sure. This is question #77, and thus it has a number that is real, and means the question has an answer. And it must be negative, because all five choices are negative. So off we go.

Are there better things to do? He says there is, but not that much. Of course he talks to much and my writing does not come out functional. Now he complains. You’re done! I want to hear no more of this! I want something else to write about because this is truly random and not worth my time but he won’t be quiet! Go away!!!! Now I try to change the subject. There. All changed.
A new subject is nothing new. Of course, it isn’t always that old, either. Well, let’s hope not, anyway. But now I said what I came to said, so I’ll keep saying things until I come up with something new to say that is worth at least a cursory look, if not a full fledged investigation. Further study will result in a complete understanding of nothing, which is the primary goal of this institution. Except this isn’t actually an institution, more of a conglomeration of random thoughts that want to be though of as more than a bad pun in the middle of an ugly sentence. Uh-huh, right. 4-16-03-In the middle. This was to continue yesterdays thought, but the date was enough to disrupt the entire system, so now I am operating off an entirely new thought with no ties to the past future, or any other time that has or ever will exist, except for those times at which someone is reading this and thinking a thought along these lines because they were reading a thought along theses lines, though it was written a long time ago about never being thought again, which makes the entire situation paradoxical and rather strange, not to mention ironic. That was a long sentence, and it basically said nothing worth saying, and everything worth thinking, because it encompassed all thoughts. Right.

Hope springs eternal. I would advise everyone against naming their daughters’ Hope, unless the want the next trampoline champion. Of course, that would suggest Bob Hope is either a big metal spiral or he resembles the season of birth and new life. Birth and new life are really the same thing, except that new life could imply fungus or plants, neither of which give birth, but birth is always new life, so it is unnecessary. It should read "new life and new opportunities" or something along those lines. But of course, I wouldn’t know, because I’m not Bob Hope, nor am I spring. You’ll have to ask them, I suppose. Nothing more is worth to say.


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