The name says it all.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Calculus is evil. I have three t squared plus t plus four all over t cubed plus t. I am supposed to use partial fractions, but I get B to equal both three and four. It is always supposed to work, no matter what the top variable is as long as it is not an improper fraction, which it isn’t. The leads me to conclude that nothing ever works and I am bordering on Crazy. Or something like that. The system should multiply out to give the desired answers. Possibly t squared plus one has another factor, negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus four a c all over two a. -1 + sqr 1 - 4. Opp. It’s negative. Doesn’t work. So why doesn’t the equation? It’s bordering on functionality.


It is making me crazy. Back to work.

Finally it is solved. It was an a plus b, instead of just a. Few. I remember this now. All done with that one, all three to go(actually two, but why spend the time to fix a typo?)

A.P. tests really take up all the time in a week. I’ve been busy, busy, and a little bit busy also. So much for time beyond time. Or at least beyond work. Time beyond time sounds like a good title for a book or documentary or something. “Time Beyond Time: The tale of the search for the oldest time.” Or not.

All done with psych. Math is still evil, but it is now behind me. Literally. I’ll have to get to it later. But now I am talking to friends with out the s. And writing things. But I have to be writing things to be writing this. Writing other things. Words, and essays, and treatises, and poems, and prose, and thoughts, and scripts, and comments, and jokes, and tragedies. But it is all still writing, but.

Surveys can at times be taxing, but they can also provide an interesting look into people’s minds, and the thoughts that shape them. Even the simplest question, if worded correctly, can allow someone to understand much more about the questions responder.

What is humor and why is it funny? I could say random things in the middle of this squid sentence, but would it be funny, and does being funny automatically quack make it humor? Or is humor something deeper than simply laughter? Most of the best comedians connect with their audiences bark in more ways than simply making them laugh. They provide a look at life and oneself from the outside, where all one’s follies and mistakes become, not embarrassing, but humorous, and worth repeating. When they tell a story about themselves, it is no longer about them, but it is about all the people who have ever done the same stupid thing, and lived to admit it. An anecdote, transformed into humor, transcends a mere human moment, meow, and becomes a story to all people, with the capability to teach and to heal.

On a less serious note of humor(*shrug*), modern comedy has often lost a lot with the transition to movies. People now look for slapstick humor as much as wit, and the wit is wittier than the hit. Puns are the lowest, and highest, form of humor, just above the radial. Great comics like Shakespeare and Shaw are on the downswing, having suffered the uppercut of slapstick. How much to play an open manhole? Just the cover charge. Then why don’t you drop in sometime? Sewer. See? That’s funny, and no physical contact, or contact of any kind was involved.

To not like cats should be a crime. To not own one is even worse. If you have allergies, some cats cause very little reaction, and there are meds. I’ll get one as soon as I can. So there is all for cats, because I can’t think of anything else beyond how to spell of.

Who will read this? Will they read it high? Will they read it low? Will they read it in between? Who will read it Sam-I-Know? Will they read it near? Will they read it here? Will they read it far? Will they read it there? Will the read it right? Will they read it wrong? Will they read it as if it were a song? What’s wrong with Dr Seuss? Okay, fine. But you’ll be hearing from my lawyer! Both of them! And I’ll hire a third one before the day is over! And you’ll be sorry! They’ll run you out of house and home And Stay Here While I AM TALKING TO YOU! HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING! GET BACK HERE!!!! Whoa, almost lost my cool there. If you are opposed to Dr Seuss, my attorneys will meet with you. Better have your checkbook handy.

To fly like a bird, born on the breath of the trees, touching the far stars of the knight’s sky, bourn out on wings like eagles. And to away they go.

Chapter 17: I’m not sure what happened to the other moo sixteen chapters, but I’m sure they’ll turn up before the printing date, or at least the release date. They’re not critically important to the plot. Chapter seventeen has the conclusion, by far the most important part in any story. The rest is just details, but they say God is in the details. Well, we should be looking for God, for there we shall find the details, and the other sixteen chapters. Or a dozen and a third chapters. Whatever floats your dingy.

To night, to sleep. Away from here. Good bye.

Those that attack are often the weakest. People who attack God are often those who most want to know truth, and try to discover it by looking for the flaws in it. The tout what appears to be a mistake, and use it against it. As there arguments are pointed out to be wrong, the slowly begin to understand, and make their way to the truth.

Comedy involving physics. Shuddering, now. To be for truth shall I go, to sleep is in the plan. Farewell, and good bye. Edelweiss.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

5-5-03-The fifth day of the fifth month of the third(in a way) year
Right. No. So? Huh. You. Done. Go figure. So much for one word sentences, but at least it is short, unlike this one–relatively speaking only, this one is long; there are many others that far exceed it in length, particularly found in older books with long paragraphs, although this one is getting rather long; maybe it better be ended?

This may be a short Monday for a change, because the day was spent elsewhere. So there. No long text for today. Boo hoo. No long paragraphs, either. So there.

Mhm. Some how I came to believe that 1 Chronicles 29:106 existed. Something’s not right. Maybe it was only ten or something. It looks like it was 29:10. I think it’s good. Yep. It fits. I almost spelled it flirts. Flirting in some people has become a bad habit, and can often lead to embarrassing situations for all involved. So there’s my thought for the day.

And here I am waiting, with nothing to do while waiting for someone to show up. And supposedly I must go, for I was ordered. May shall I return.

What’s the big deal with hygiene? The amount of effort spent each day on keeping a human body hygienically clean increases every year, as new cures are found to simple sanitary ailments, and more complicated, but better, methods are found for the already cured ailments. Fifty years ago, a man took a shower and shaved. Today he uses deodorant, maybe some type of facial cream, three types of shampoo, and a variety of other products. The woman’s work is much greater, stemming from dozens of make-up products. There should be a simplified method of doing all hygienic work; step in, step out, you’re done.

Now to end this days presentation, we conclude with the conclusion, a very concluding place to conclude. Or so I concluded from my deductions I deducted from my mind. And I am trying to confuse the conclusion. It might be working. I have no idea what I am saying. Real short Monday.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

5-4-03-More than yesterday.
Sleep came before the work was done. So it was never done. But there wasn’t anything to say, so it’s no big deal. Actually, it’s no deal anyway. So quit complaining. There always seems to be one or two days a week(usually two, and usually one following the other, and usually Friday is in there somewhere), where very little is written, so sad.

Am I going to Major-Minor, Double Major, Double Major-Minor, or just Major? Possibly not the first. Definitely not the last. If I had a minor, it would probably be in some sort of secondary education, probably social studies or English. My Major would likely be either Film, English, Language/Linguistics, Small possibility of computer related, maybe Graphic arts of some sort. Some combination of the above will be made before School starts in September. It all depends on how many classes I need, how many overlap, and how much work I’ll have cut out for me.

Graduate school. Some say yes, some say no, some say later. Interesting. Of course, someone who is train of thought gone. Someone was at the door, and just like Coleridge what I was going to say disappeared from my thoughts. I might minor in a foreign language instead. But I’ll learn those on my own, too. So, either way, or both ways, they are nothing. There are no two ways. I’m not sure there is even one way. But it’s still functioning perfectly.

Food should be eaten at a relatively slow rate, avoiding many of the unsavory occurrences at the dinner table, as well as in the few minutes after. It also allows the partaker to savor every bite, and to learn to enjoy food as it was made to be enjoyed. This is one of the main reasons behind courses at a formal dinner. If the person eats quickly, they are forced to wait, if they eat slowly, the food fills the time until the next course. Food served in courses is the most effective way to eat slowly.

I watch and listen to much. Or maybe too much. But not in a week’s time, only at once. Though usually there are brakes, and they vary from ten to one-hundred minutes, and succeed in diverting the concentration from one subject to more things.

The wight of this sad time we must obey;/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say. So saith Edmund, Act V, Scene III, Lines 325 and 326, from King Lear, by William Shakespeare. It is considered by many to be his greatest play, and because Shakespeare is considered by many to be the greatest playwright and poet of all time, King Lear would become the greatest play of all time, and because of its poetic form, it could be called the greatest poetry of all time.

And now, to end my day, blow out it’s even briefer candle, to end the sound, and the fury, to lull it all to soft sounds of silent sleep, below here, were not a noise to be made is waiting, and where all can see better, and none is but a trifle here. Three say it is over, and three say there is a chance. What say you that theses three are the same as the others? For madness is feigned in shadows, but felt where one’s eyes can see. Where there is not eyeless rage, and where it all ends. Fare thee well.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

5-3-03-This is the day that it is
Today exist because it is. I a lot of the day’s first paragraphs start out with a comment or something about days. It must be due to the fact that they represent new days, times without previous engagement. Or so they say. I think.

Somehow to be such .

Monday, October 18, 2004

Some days are lost before they begin, other’s in the middle of there time, and a rare few exist forever, living in infamy or wonder. This day happens to be of the first variety.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

5-1-03-A new time!
So this is what May’s like. Not much different than April. Other than it was a little wetter. But, hey, it’s Montana. What can you expect? I should probably change my calenders, so they show that it is a new month, and I have new pictures to look at for thirty one days, instead of those old ones I’ve looked at for a month already. Going to work now.

There is something incredibly powerful about the Japanese culture and language. It grips the hearts and minds of thousands of people, and influences things far beyond what people imagine. The creativity there is unbelievable, giving way to movies such as Princess Mononoke, and Spirited Away, both among the best animated films of all time, and could even be called some of the best films of all time. The idea of Japan, for some reason, holds much more sway than Thailand, China, Vietnam, Russia, India, Africa, or any other foreign land. Some of this may be attributed to things outside the culture, such as war and leaders, but even with it cleared there is incredibly small interest in the other nations. What is it that makes Japan so special? It’s an enigma. Sayonara.

Flowed or crackled? I spelled or as por, which would make it Spanish, and I don’t know enough Spanish to write anything in that language. But I can say spoon. And if I look behind me, I can say City Center, well, actually it’s Center of the City, but City center is close enough. And I still don’t know any Spanish, and I can never remember to capitalize Spanish. Oh, well.

Spam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was random insanity. It strikes fast, and can kill just as quick. No one is safe from the pure evil and wacked out ness of this crazy thing which causes people to say and do things that would never have been said except for that they were thought and so people hade something to say without reason to not say it, so it was leaked without warning and the first punctuation of this sentence appeared just after it before so and could be more common except that there is no purpose to this sentence thus no order is enthroned upon it. Okay, now I will over use punctuation, making up for its previous lack. Period. Period. Comma, comma, comma, comma, comma, comma, semi-colon; sort of like duck, duck goose, but with out the ducks and geese.

Music from Japan. Actually, more of a western symphony by a Japanese composer, for a Japanese movie. Oh, close enough.

The goal of the game is to create an environment in which the player feels he is part of the world. Each tree will be grown following a formula that makes each one unique. The ground, the trees, the entire environment can be shaped and formed, depending on outside influence and the effects of nature. If a large number of people walk through a certain part of a forest, a path will begin to appear on the trail they make, and tree branches will thin in that area. That is the goal.

Not here! Must be there! Come here! You said you would be here. (Pouty face). So there! That’s what I thought. Yep. I win. No here at 10. Ten was before, now it is ten twelve, twelve times a minute after the time to arrive has passed. Not my fault. I was here at ten. Oh, well. Not like there is much going on, anyway. Not here at least. And so we leave.

I need to figure out what type of lap top I’m getting. I’m not even sure if I will be mac or PC. But it needs to be powerful, with a large hard drive. This sentence is out of place. It probably needs a nice video card for both movies and the occasional game to be played. Sound doesn’t need to be too hot, because it’s more than I use anyway.

I had something special I was going to do on the first day of a new month, but no longer is it in the reach of my memory. There was a pause there due to the appearance of a good friend who said she left, but was still on line. Oh well. It’s time to leave this place, and to live as we dream–alone. Or so they tell us. But we can never be sure. But now, to dream.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

4-30-03-Near the end of 4s
Four is almost done. Very soon we will move onto five, the one that comes after four. No sorrow, at least not shed, or maybe sorrow is felt, what does it matter? There won’t be any of it anyway, so it isn’t worth much consideration. So there. Nyah!

I can’t think of anything to say. So this is what they call writers block. It’s definitely not blocking me from writing, though writing anything with content is another story entirely. A long story. One that won’t be told here, because it’s too long, and others might see it, and then it would be too long, well known, and still worthless, so it’s not coming here. Even though it was written right before your eyes mere seconds ago, and even a dunce might still be able to find it as we travel on farther in this tale of sorrow, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. There’s Shakespeare for you. Full on sound and fury, signifying nothing. Many people consider Shakespeare to be the best poet who ever lived, and King Lear to be his best work. Thus, many people consider King Lear to be the best poetry ever written. In your face, Coleridge!

Talking to others, writing about literature. What could be more interesting? Marlow, in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is an antithesis to Kurtz, the manager, and the bricklayer, a man full of morals, full of uncompromising principles opposed to men full of nothing, those “Papier-mâché Mephistopheles.” More on this later.

A potent analogy is the comparison of no, not good. Drop the word analogy. Can I? What other words for analogy are there? Comparison, allegory, correlation, etc. In some ways, a woman is like a sports car, and acts in a similar fashion. But that puts too much emphasis on the action part of it, the object part, and not on the abstract, intangible comparison that was the original(still is) intent of the paragraph. An interesting comparison is that of a woman to a sports car, though only in some ways. I like this one. Actually, the one before this is even better, and it’ll have to do until an even better one can be created. There we go. Acts was replaced with treated in a similar fashion for the moment. It seems to fit better. Off we go.

And here I am, writing about nothing, but it isn’t full of sound and fury. It’s more of loaded with random thoughts coupled together into random sentences, united in random paragraphs. Notice a theme here? Yep, each sentence begins with a capital letter. Keep looking, and you might find even deeper, better hidden themes and motifs.

Damsel in distress. They rarely tell you what kind of distress she’s in. Sometimes it’s a dragon, but more often than not, you’re stuck wondering what she is hiding from. Is it killer warthogs, giant beetles, ugly stepmothers, petty thieves? Or is it just a bad hair day? I suppose we’ll never know. But that brings me back to my original statement. Damsel in distress. Normally something like di- would mean opposite of, so distress would be calm, as opposed to stress. Or it might be a numerical prefix, and mean four. So distress could be stress to the fourth power, definitely something worth being saved from. Except there aren’t any more knights. And no armor. And really, if you think about it, no damsels either.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

4-29-03-Exists at this moment
Done for. Gone forever. Good riddance. Adios. Adieu. Sayonara. Ciao. Won’t be missed. Auf Wiedersehen.

The heart of the matter is the heart of the story. From The Heart of Darkness to The Tell-Tale Heart the heart has been an integral part of all story telling, and of all human life. The heart as the seat of emotion and a symbol of the soul, and all that being human entitles, it is more than a simple organ. Whenever one notes the word heart in any good work of literature, he knows to keep an eye out for a theme or important idea. So too, shall the heart of space be.

If you shoot your foot off while doing something stupid, don’t loose all hope. You can still run on your knees. So don’t whine to me, begin to get hopping. Mhm. Go away.

Not much has come to be written today. That’s too bad, so sad. He won’t listen to reason. It’s not my fault that he is so irritating. He doesn’t understand I win. Bye-bye.

And now we go, because he should sleep, and I have more important stuff to do. Yes he has. Deja vu. Stop talking! It’s too late! RPGs loose! Ha-hahahah. No more, good day. Deep thoughts. Not really.

Two dogs make up a pair. So there.

Thoughts and feelings on what we can not see. The most important thing sin life are those which normally you cannot comprehend. They make little sense at first, but as time goes on, their value to your life increases, and your understanding grows. If truth comes easy, either it is not the real truth, only a well disguised false-hood, or it is a simple truth, one that has little context to your life.

Why do women get to carry purses, but men have to cram everything they need into a wallet and their pockets? While I do concede that women carry more in terms of makeup, I don’t know any man who can carry everything he wishes to with him easily, without brining an extra bag of some sort. Clearly this is societal sex-discrimination, and it must be stopped. Join in the “Free Purse” campaign to give men the right, in the eyes of society, to carry some form of handbag in which to hold important items.

Three different words that should be one. I’ve already talked about this many times, but I will still complain. Why isn’t any man one word? It seems so perfect. But the red light’s on, so my time is up. I’ll be here this same time next week, but probably will have forgotten this week. So long no, don’t forget to write.