The name says it all.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

4-17-03-Oops I already missed CSI day.
What a way to start a random thought, with a random thought. Of course, all I’ve been thinking about is Pygmalion, and the fact that I can’t appear to type today, but that isn’t a worry. If I have the derivative of one over the square root of two-x plus x-squared, how does that fit in with the inverse trigometric functions that the chapter is about. It is one of the first ones and should be easy, but I am unable–at the moment–to turn it into a functional function that makes any logical sense. I tried making it into a perfect square, but my result was less than perfect, but again shall I try. Soon to return will I, having the evil problem conquered, even if I have trouble spelling conquered. Adios.

I forgot to do the calculus. Or at least get it. Silly me. So this is nothing more than a layaway thought. Soon once more I will not be here, and nothing is to be said that wasn’t once said in times past and locations present. Or whatever. Chao.

Chao looks like chaos. Chaos is not the best thing in the world, but it is inherently in the world. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that chaos will always in crease in a closes system, and always in the universe as a whole. This presents an interesting theory to the evolutionists. Is the earth a open system, in which things can increase their order, or is it closed, and thus evolution contradicts the laws of nature? Supposedly I must go now.(Imagine Khalil voice).

And now, for less is more. That’s right, the game show in which you get less and we get more. Nothing could be better–for us. Are you ready to play? If not please indicate by reciting the names of all the leaders of China, in alphabetical order, from two-thousand B.C. until the present. Okay, seems everyone is ready to play. Our first questions is: Who invented the question mark? Seeing as no one has answered, the host shall win. The next question: What is the word in the English language most commonly spelled correctly? Oh, I’m sorry. But there is no answer, so the host wins again. Remember, if someone wins three times in a row, the game ends and they are declared the winner. Okay, question three: What is the word for ‘cut,’ in five different languages, three must be extinct. No one again, I win a third time. Game over.


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