The name says it all.

Friday, August 27, 2004

4-22-03-Someday that isn’t tomorrow and isn’t yet yesterday.
Today is the day that it is. It is no other day, and shall always be today, until it no longer is a day, and then shall it be yesterday. At that time, the allocation of space given to tomorrow shall become today, and a new section of time shall fall into the block of tomorrow. Time is only as linear as the people who make it. And so the time of this shall end.

And what thoughts flow in patterns so random, filled with nothing that can be classified as coherent. And not much can be included in that pattern. Speaking of patters, the pattern of the wheel is some what not. Yeah, okay. And Carmel makes the world go round.

To solve the impossible one must be ready to make things imaginary. Listening to strange things will result in who knows what and I don’t care. I think this is full of wacked out junk and needs to be mercifully but out of its misery. Sleep now forever.

"I will fight no more forever." So said some famous soldier, who said he was going the way of peace. And it is supposedly important, but it would only be worthwhile if every person in the world said it, and kept it to their dying day, which will not–cannot–happen. Violence and death are an integral part of human nature, and are imbedded deep within people, far outside the reach of mortal man and of immortal science. It can only be touched by something far outside of us, something that most people fear feeling, seeing, interacting with. And everything people say in context to this usually has no purpose, because they solely advocate what they wish to say, not what they want to say.

Nobody entered the house anymore, for they feared the ghosts, whoever they may be. The first to see them told other he had seen the ghosts of the Wimplys, and all the others who entered there had heard the story, so their perceptual set was set and they were inclined to believe they saw the Wimplys, even though Mr. Wimply was bald, and the ghost wasn’t, and at the time of the first sighting Mrs. Wimply was still alive. It’s interesting how powerful these ideas can get ingrained. For one hundred and fifty years people thought it was the ghosts of the Wimplys that inhabited the house, never once doubting. Well, they probably doubted, just not enough to risk entering a haunted house and find out if they were right. Or enough even to sneeze in favor of another theory. But that’s life for you. To be continued.

Well folks, that’s all for our broadcasting day. We hope you enjoyed listening, and will tune in again tomorrow starting bright an early for your favorite tunes and stories, plays, and your number one news source. We start transmitting at six o’clock on weekday and Saturday mornings, eight o’clock on Sundays. Thank you, and good night.


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